mapview (version 1.2.0)

popupImage: Create HTML strings for popup graphs


Create HTML strings for popup graphs used as input for mapview or leaflet.


popupImage(img, src = c("local", "remote"), ...)


A character vector of file path(s) or web-URL(s) to any sort of image file(s).
Whether the source is "local" (i.e. valid file path(s)) or "remote" (i.e. valid URL(s)).
width and height (in pixels) can be passed to underlying functions.


A list of HTML strings required to create popup graphs.

See Also

popupTable and popupGraph.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## remote images -----
# ### one image
# pt <- data.frame(x = 174.764474, y = -36.877245)
# coordinates(pt) <- ~ x + y
# proj4string(pt) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
# img <- ""
# mapview(pt, popup = popupImage(img, src = "remote"))
# ### multiple file (types)
# images <- c(img,
#             "",
#             "",
#             "")
# pt4 <- data.frame(x = jitter(rep(174.764474, 4), factor = 0.01),
#                   y = jitter(rep(-36.877245, 4), factor = 0.01))
# coordinates(pt4) <- ~ x + y
# proj4string(pt4) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
# mapview(pt4, popup = popupImage(images, src = "remote")) # NOTE the gif animation
# ## local images -----
# img <- system.file("img","Rlogo.png",package="png")
# mapview(pt, popup = popupImage(img))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab