cranvas (version 0.8.5)

qmval: Draw a missing value plot


A missing value plot shows the counts or proportions of missing values in each variable. It is essentially a stacked bar plot, i.e. a bar plot of variables split by the logical vectors of missingness of observations.


qmval(vars, data, horizontal = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, ...)


variables to show in the plot: a character vector of variable names, or a numeric vector of column indices, or a two-sided formula like ~ x1 + x2 + x3 (without the left-hand side); see var_names
arguments passed to qbar
a mutaframe created by qdata
TRUE to draw a horizontal plot or FALSE (vertical)
logical: whether to standardize the height of each bar to 1


A missing value plot


As usual, common interactions are defined in common_key_press. Brushing on a missing value plot has a slightly different meaning with brushing other types of plots: if a rectangle is brushed in a missing value plot, all rows in the orginal data in which the current variable is brushed (i.e. either missing or non-missing) are brushed; on the other hand, the brushed rows in the original data will also be reflected in the missing value plot.

This plot is built upon the bar plot qbar.

See Also

Other plots: qbar; qboxplot; qdensity; qhist, qspine; qparallel; qtime


Run this code

## BRFSS data
qbrfss <- qdata(brfss)
qmval(names(brfss)[40:50], data = qbrfss)
qmval(51:68, data = qbrfss)
qmval(~poorhlth + fruit + greensal, data = qbrfss)

qparallel(100:110, data = qbrfss)

## TAO data
data(tao, package = "tourr")

qtao <- qdata(tao)
qmval(~., data = qtao)
qmval(~., data = qtao, horizontal = FALSE, standardize = FALSE, 
    main = "horizontal plot with counts")
qscatter(longitude, latitude, data = qtao)


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