drake (version 7.5.2)

r_make: Reproducible R session management for drake functions


drake searches your environment to detect dependencies, so functions like make(), outdated(), etc. are designed to run in fresh clean R sessions. Wrappers r_make(), r_outdated(), etc. run reproducibly even if your current R session is old and stale.


r_make(source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_drake_build(target, character_only = FALSE, ..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_outdated(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_recoverable(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_missed(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_deps_target(target, character_only = FALSE, ..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_drake_graph_info(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_vis_drake_graph(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_sankey_drake_graph(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_drake_ggraph(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_text_drake_graph(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_predict_runtime(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())

r_predict_workers(..., source = NULL, r_fn = NULL, r_args = list())



Path to an R script file that loads packages, functions, etc. and returns a drake_config() object. There are 3 ways to set this path.

  1. Pass an explicit file path.

  2. Call options(drake_source = "path_to_your_script.R").

  3. Just create a file called "_drake.R" in your working directory and supply nothing to source.


A callr function such as callr::r or callr::r_bg. Example: r_make(r_fn = callr::r).


List of arguments to r_fn, not including func or args. Example: r_make(r_fn = callr::r_bg, r_args = list(stdout = "stdout.log")).


Name of the target.


Logical, whether name should be treated as a character or a symbol (just like character.only in library()).


Arguments to the inner function. For example, if you want to call r_vis_drake_graph(), the inner function is vis_drake_graph(), and selfcontained is an example argument you could supply to the ellipsis.


make(recover = TRUE, recoverable = TRUE) powers automated data recovery. The default of recover is FALSE because

  1. Automated data recovery is still experimental.

  2. It has reproducibility issues. Targets recovered from the distant past may have been generated with earlier versions of R and earlier package environments that no longer exist.

How it works: if recover is TRUE, drake tries to salvage old target values from the cache instead of running commands from the plan. A target is recoverable if

  1. There is an old value somewhere in the cache that shares the command, dependencies, etc. of the target about to be built.

  2. The old value was generated with make(recoverable = TRUE).

If both conditions are met, drake will

  1. Assign the most recently-generated admissible data to the target, and

  2. skip the target's command.


r_outdated() runs the four steps below. r_make() etc. are similar.

  1. Launch a new callr::r() session.

  2. In that fresh session, run the R script from the source argument. This script loads packages, functions, global options, etc. and returns a drake_config() object.

  3. In that same session, run outdated() with the config argument from step 2.

  4. Return the result back to master process (e.g. your interactive R session).

See Also



Run this code
isolate_example("quarantine side effects", {
  "_drake.R" # default value of the `source` argument
cat(readLines("_drake.R"), sep = "\n")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab