metacoder (version 0.2.1)

rarefy_obs: Calculate rarefied observation counts


For a given table in a taxmap object, rarefy counts to a constant total. This is a wrapper around rrarefy that automatically detects which columns are numeric and handles the reformatting needed to use tibbles.


rarefy_obs(obj, dataset, sample_size = NULL, cols = NULL,
  other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL)



A taxmap object


The name of a table in obj$data.


The sample size counts will be rarefied to. This can be either a single integer or a vector of integers of equal length to the number of columns.


The columns in dataset to use. By default, all numeric columns are used. Takes one of the following inputs:


All/No columns will used.

Character vector:

The names of columns to use

Numeric vector:

The indexes of columns to use

Vector of TRUE/FALSE of length equal to the number of columns:

Use the columns corresponding to TRUE values.


Preserve in the output non-target columns present in the input data. New columns will always be on the end. The "taxon_id" column will be preserved in the front. Takes one of the following inputs:


No columns will be added back, not even the taxon id column.


All/None of the non-target columns will be preserved.

Character vector:

The names of columns to preserve

Numeric vector:

The indexes of columns to preserve

Vector of TRUE/FALSE of length equal to the number of columns:

Preserve the columns corresponding to TRUE values.


The names of count columns in the output. Must be the same length as cols (or unique(groups), if groups is used).


A tibble

See Also

Other calculations: calc_group_mean, calc_group_median, calc_group_rsd, calc_group_stat, calc_n_samples, calc_obs_props, calc_taxon_abund, compare_groups, zero_low_counts


Run this code
# Parse dataset for examples
x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
                   class_key = c(tax_rank = "info", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
                   class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
# Rarefy all numeric columns
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data")

# Rarefy a subset of columns
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"))
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = 4:6)
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = startsWith(colnames(x$data$tax_data), "70001"))

# Including all other columns in ouput
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", other_cols = TRUE)

# Inlcuding specific columns in output
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
               other_cols = 2:3)
# Rename output columns
rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
               out_names = c("a", "b", "c"))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab