ape (version 3.5)

read.GenBank: Read DNA Sequences from GenBank via Internet


This function connects to the GenBank database, and reads nucleotide sequences using accession numbers given as arguments.


read.GenBank(access.nb, seq.names = access.nb, species.names = TRUE, gene.names = FALSE, as.character = FALSE)


a vector of mode character giving the accession numbers.
the names to give to each sequence; by default the accession numbers are used.
a logical indicating whether to attribute the species names to the returned object.
a logical indicating whether to attribute the gene names to the returned object. It is FALSE by default because this will work correctly only when reading sequences with a single gene.
a logical controlling whether to return the sequences as an object of class "DNAbin" (the default).


A list of DNA sequences made of vectors of class "DNAbin", or of single characters (if as.character = "TRUE").


The function uses the site http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ from where the sequences are downloaded.

If species.names = TRUE, the returned list has an attribute "species" containing the names of the species taken from the field ``ORGANISM'' in GenBank.

If gene.names = TRUE, the returned list has an attribute "gene" containing the names of the gene. This will not work correctly if reading a sequence with multiple genes (e.g., a mitochondrial genome).

See Also

read.dna, write.dna, dist.dna, DNAbin


Run this code
### This won't work if your computer is not connected
### to the Internet
### Get the 8 sequences of tanagers (Ramphocelus)
### as used in Paradis (1997)
ref <- c("U15717", "U15718", "U15719", "U15720",
         "U15721", "U15722", "U15723", "U15724")
### Copy/paste or type the following commands if you
### want to try them.
## Not run: 
# Rampho <- read.GenBank(ref)
# ### get the species names:
# attr(Rampho, "species")
# ### build a matrix with the species names and the accession numbers:
# cbind(attr(Rampho, "species"), names(Rampho))
# ### print the first sequence
# ### (can be done with `Rampho$U15717' as well)
# Rampho[[1]]
# ### print the first sequence in a cleaner way
# cat(Rampho[[1]], "\n", sep = "")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab