oce (version 0.9-23)

read.bremen: Read a Bremen File


Read a file in Bremen format, producing an object inheriting from bremen-class.





a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to load.


An object of bremen-class.


This function may be renamed (or removed) without notice. It was created to read some data being used in a particular research project, and will be rendered useless if Bremen changes this data format.


Velocities are assumed to be in cm/s, and are converted to m/s to follow the oce convention. Shears (which is what the variables named uz and vz are assumed to represent) are assumed to be in (cm/s)/m, although they could be in 1/s or something else; the lack of documentation is a problem here. Also, note that the assumed shears are not just first-difference estimates of velocity, given the results of a sample dataset:

> head(data.frame(b[["data"]]))
  pressure      u      v       uz       vz
1        0  0.092 -0.191  0.00000  0.00000
2       10  0.092 -0.191  0.02183 -0.35412
3       20  0.092 -0.191  0.03046 -0.09458
4       30  0.026 -0.246 -0.03948  0.02169
5       40 -0.003 -0.212 -0.02614  0.03111
6       50 -0.023 -0.169 -0.03791  0.01706

See Also

Other things related to bremen data: [[,bremen-method, [[<-,bremen-method, bremen-class, plot,bremen-method, summary,bremen-method