oce (version 0.9-23)

bremen-class: Class for data stored in a format used at Bremen


Class for data stored in a format used at Bremen. This is somewhat unusual amongst oce classes, in that it does not map to a particular instrument. Although some functions are provided for dealing with these data (see “Details”), the most common action is to read the data with read.bremen, and then to coerce the object to another storage class (e.g. using as.ctd for CTD-style data) so that specialized functions can be used thereafter.

The main function is read.bremen. A simple plotting method is provided with plot,bremen-method, and summary,bremen-method provides summaries. Data may be retrieved with [[,bremen-method or replaced with [[<-,bremen-method.


See Also

Other classes provided by oce: adp-class, adv-class, argo-class, cm-class, coastline-class, ctd-class, echosounder-class, lisst-class, lobo-class, met-class, oce-class, odf-class, rsk-class, sealevel-class, section-class, topo-class, windrose-class

Other things related to bremen data: [[,bremen-method, [[<-,bremen-method, plot,bremen-method, read.bremen, summary,bremen-method