unnest (version 0.0.2)

s: Unnest spec is a nested list with the same structure as the nested json. It specifies concisely how the deeply nested components ought to be unnested. s() is a shorthand for spec().


Unnest spec is a nested list with the same structure as the nested json. It specifies concisely how the deeply nested components ought to be unnested. s() is a shorthand for spec().

Unnest nested lists


  selector = NULL,
  as = NULL,
  children = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  include = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  stack = NULL,
  process = NULL

spec( selector = NULL, ..., as = NULL, children = NULL, groups = NULL, include = NULL, exclude = NULL, stack = NULL, process = NULL )

unnest(x, spec = NULL, dedupe = FALSE, stack_atomic = FALSE, cross_join = TRUE)



A shorthand syntax for an include selector. When a list each element of the list is expanded into the include element at the respective level. When selector is a string it is expanded into a list according to the following rules:

  1. When selector is length 1 and contains "/" characters it is split with "/" separator. For instance s(c("a", "b"), ...), s("a/b", ...) and s("a", s("b", ...)) are all converted to a canonical s(include = "a", s(include = "b", ...)). Components consisting entirely of digits are converted to integer. For example s("a/2/b" ...) is equivalent to s("a", s(2, s("b", ...)))

  2. Each element of the resulting from the previous step vector is split with ,. Thus s("a/b,c/d") is equivalent to s("a", s(include = c("b", "c"), s("d", ...)))


name for this field in the extracted data.frame

children, ...

Unnamed list of children spec. ... is merged into children. children is part of the canonical spec.


Named list of specs to be processed in parallel. The return value is a named list of unnested data.frames. The results is the same as when each spec is unnested separately except that dedupe parameter of unnest() will work across groups and execution is faster because the nested list is traversed once regardless of the number of groups.

include, exclude

A list, a numeric vector or a character vector specifying components to include or exclude. A list can combine numeric indexes and character elements to extract.


Whether to stack this node (TRUE) or to spread it (FALSE). When stackis a string an index column is created with that name.


Extra processing step for this element. Either NULL for no processing (the default), "asis" to return the entire element "as is" in a list column, or "paste" to paste elements together into a character column.


a nested list to unnest


spec to use for unnesting. See spec().


whether to dedupe repeated elements. If TRUE, if a node is visited for a second time and is not explicitly declared in the spec the node is skipped. This is particularly useful with grouped specs.


Whether atomic vectors should be stacked or not.


Specifies how the results from sibling nodes are joined (cbind) together. The shorter data.frames (in terms o number of rows) can be either recycled to the max number of rows across all components as with standard R's recycling (cross_join = FALSE). Or, with cross_join = TRUE, the results are cross joined (aka form all combinations of rows across joined components). cross_join = TRUE is the default because of no data loss and it is more conducive for earlier error detection with incorrect specs.


A canonical spec; a list suitable for the C level unnest routine.


Run this code
## `s()` returns a canonical spec list

x <- list(a = list(b = list(x = 1, y = 1:2, z = 10),
                   c = list(x = 2, y = 100:102)))
xxx <- list(x, x, x)

## spreading
unnest(x, s("a"))
unnest(x, s("a"), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a/b"), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a/c"), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a"), stack_atomic = TRUE, cross_join = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a//x"))
unnest(x, s("a//x,z"))
unnest(x, s("a/2/x,y"))

## stacking
unnest(x, s("a/", stack = TRUE))
unnest(x, s("a/", stack = TRUE, as = "A"))
unnest(x, s("a/", stack = TRUE, as = "A"), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a/", stack = "id"), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a/", stack = "id", as = ""), stack_atomic = TRUE)

unnest(xxx, s(stack = "id"))
unnest(xxx, s(stack = "id"), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(xxx, s(stack = "id", s("a/b/y/", stack = TRUE)))

## exclusion
unnest(x, s("a/b/", exclude = "x"))

## dedupe
unnest(x, s("a", s("b/y"), s("b")), stack_atomic = TRUE)
unnest(x, s("a", s("b/y"), s("b")), dedupe = TRUE, stack_atomic = TRUE)

## grouping
unnest(xxx, stack_atomic = TRUE,
       s(stack = TRUE,
         groups = list(first = s("a/b/x,y"),
                       second = s("a/b"))))

unnest(xxx, stack_atomic = TRUE, dedupe = TRUE,
       s(stack = TRUE,
         groups = list(first = s("a/b/x,y"),
                       second = s("a/b"))))

## processing asis
str(unnest(xxx, s(stack = "id",
                  s("a/b/y", process = "asis"),
                  s("a/c", process = "asis"))))
str(unnest(xxx, s(stack = "id", s("a/b/", process = "asis"))))
str(unnest(xxx, s(stack = "id", s("a/b", process = "asis"))))

## processing paste
str(unnest(x, s("a/b/y", process = "paste")))
str(unnest(xxx, s(stack = TRUE, s("a/b/", process = "paste"))))
str(unnest(xxx, s(stack = TRUE, s("a/b", process = "paste"))))

# }

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