stringi (version 0.3-1)

stri_order: Ordering Permutation and Sorting


stri_order determines a permutation which rearranges strings into ascending or descending order. stri_sort sorts the vector according to a lexicographic order.


stri_order(str, decreasing = FALSE, na_last = TRUE, opts_collator = NULL)

stri_sort(str, decreasing = FALSE, na_last = NA, opts_collator = NULL)


character vector
single logical value; should the sort order be nondecreasing (FALSE, default) or nonincreasing (TRUE)?
single logical value controlling the treatment of NAs in str. If TRUE, then missing values in str are put at the end; if FALSE, they are put first; if NA, then they are removed
a named list with ICU Collator's options as generated with stri_opts_collator, NULL for default collation options


  • For stri_order, an integer vector that gives the sort order is returned.

    For stri_order, you get a sorted version of str, i.e. a character vector.


For more information on ICU's Collator and how to tune it up in stringi, refer to stri_opts_collator.

These functions use a stable sort algorithm (STL's stable_sort), which performs up to $N*log^2(N)$ element comparisons, where $N$ is the length of str.

Interestingly, our benchmarks indicate that stri_order is most often faster that R's order.

See Also

Other locale_sensitive: %s!==%, %s!=%, %s<=%< a="">, %s<%< a="">, %s===%, %s==%, %s>=%, %s>%, %stri!==%, %stri!=%, %stri<=%< a="">, %stri<%< a="">, %stri===%, %stri==%, %stri>=%, %stri>%; stri_cmp, stri_cmp_eq, stri_cmp_equiv, stri_cmp_ge, stri_cmp_gt, stri_cmp_le, stri_cmp_lt, stri_cmp_neq, stri_cmp_nequiv, stri_compare; stri_count_boundaries, stri_count_words; stri_duplicated, stri_duplicated_any; stri_enc_detect2; stri_extract_words; stri_locate_boundaries, stri_locate_words; stri_opts_collator; stri_split_boundaries; stri_trans_tolower, stri_trans_totitle, stri_trans_toupper; stri_unique; stri_wrap; stringi-locale; stringi-search-boundaries; stringi-search-coll


Run this code
stri_sort(c("hladny", "chladny"), opts_collator=stri_opts_collator(locale="pl_PL"))

stri_sort(c("hladny", "chladny"), opts_collator=stri_opts_collator(locale="sk_SK"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab