styler (version 1.1.1)

style_roxygen_code_example_segment: Style a roxygen code example segment


A roxygen code example segment corresponds to roxygen example code that contains at most one \dontrun{...} or friends. We drop all newline characters first because otherwise the code segment passed to this function was previously parsed with parse_roxygen() and line-breaks in and after the \dontrun{...} are expressed with "\n", which contradicts to the definition used elsewhere in this package, where every element in a vector corresponds to a line. These line-breaks don't get eliminated because they move to the front of a code_segment and style_text("\n1") gives "\n1", i.e. trailing newlines are not eliminated.


style_roxygen_code_example_segment(one_dont, transformers)



Bare R code containing at most one \dontrun{...} or friends.


A list of named transformer functions


Styling involves splitting roxygen example code into segments, and segments into snippets. This describes the process for input of parse_transform_serialize_roxygen():

  • Splitting code into roxygen example code and other code. Downstream, we are only concerned about roxygen code. See parse_transform_serialize_roxygen().

  • Every roxygen example code can have zero or more dontrun / dontshow / donttest sequences. We next create segments of roxygen code examples that contain at most one of these. See style_roxygen_code_example().

  • We further split the segment that contains at most one dont* sequence into snippets that are either don* or not. See style_roxygen_code_example_segment().

Finally, that we have roxygen code snippets that are either dont* or not, we style them in style_roxygen_example_snippet() using parse_transform_serialize_r().