algstat (version 0.0.2)

variety: Compute a Variety


The variety of a collection of multivariate polynomials is the collection of points at which those polynomials are (simultaneously) equal to 0. variety uses Bertini to find this set.


variety(mpolyList, varOrder, ...)


Bertini code as either a character string or function; see examples
variable order (see examples)
stuff to pass to bertini


an object of class bertini


Run this code
## Not run: 
# polys <- mp(c(
#   "x^2 - y^2 - z^2 - .5",
#   "x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9",
#   ".25 x^2 + .25 y^2 - z^2"
# ))
# variety(polys)
# # algebraic solution :
# c(sqrt(19)/2, 7/(2*sqrt(5)), 3/sqrt(5)) # +/- each ordinate
# # character vectors can be taken in; they're passed to mp
# variety(c("y - x^2", "y - x - 2"))
# # an example of how varieties are invariant to the
# # the generators of the ideal
# variety(c("2 x^2 + 3 y^2 - 11", "x^2 - y^2 - 3"))
# # the following takes a few seconds to initialize, feel free to them
# # gb <- grobner(mp(c("2 x^2 + 3 y^2 - 11", "x^2 - y^2 - 3")))
# # variety(gb)
# m2("
# R = QQ[x,y]
# gens gb ideal(2*x^2 + 3*y^2 - 11, x^2 - y^2 - 3)
# ")
# variety(c("y^2 - 1", "x^2 - 4"))
# variety(c("x^2 - 4", "y^2 - 1"))
# # variable order is by default equal to vars(mpolyList)
# # (this finds the zeros of y = x^2 - 1)
# variety(c("y", "y - x^2 + 1")) # y, x
# vars(mp(c("y", "y - x^2 + 1")))
# variety(c("y", "y - x^2 + 1"), c("x", "y")) # x, y
# # complex solutions
# variety("x^2 + 1")
# variety(c("x^2 + 1 + y", "y"))
# # multiplicities
# variety("x^2")
# variety(c("2 x^2 + 1 + y", "y + 1"))
# variety(c("x^3 - x^2 y", "y + 2"))
# #
# p <- mp(c("2 x  -  2  -  3 x^2 l  -  2 x l",
#   "2 y  -  2  +  2 l y",
#   "y^2  -  x^3  -  x^2"))
# variety(p)
# ## End(Not run)

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