trelliscope (version 0.9.7)

webConn: Initialize a Web Connection


Initialize a connection to a web server where Shiny apps are served.


webConn(user = NULL, ip = NULL, serverDir = "/srv/shiny-server", name = NULL)


the username to log on to the web server
the IP address of the web server - if NULL, it is assumed that your web server is on the same machine that you are working on
the directory where Shiny apps go on the web server - defaults to the default location of /srv/shiny-server
the name of the directory in serverDir under which to store the application - if not supplied, it defaults to the name provided in the vdb connection

See Also



Run this code

vdbConn(tempfile(), autoYes = TRUE)

# make a simple display
d <- divide(iris, by = "Species")
makeDisplay(d, name = "sl_vs_sw",
  panelFn = function(x)
    qplot(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, data = x))

## Not run: 
# # to sync to a server '' with login 'user'
# # need: passwordless ssh for
# # need: rsync installed on local machine
# # (these should both be easy to do with local linux / OS X)
# # set up a connection to a shiny server
# webConn(user = "hafen", ip = "", name = "myapp")
# # webSync() uses rsync to sync your local vdb
# # to the one on your shiny server pointed to with webConn()
# webSync()
# # if shiny server is running on the remote on port 3838
# # then the VDB will now be viewable at
# browseURL("")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab