AffyCompatible (version 1.32.0)

Internal-class: (Internal) Represent 'typed associations' from XML documents


This internal class represents `typed associates' (vectors of identically-typed objects) that appear as vectors to the R user.


Objects from the Class

Objects are created internally, during XML document parsing.


Object of class "list" containg the association objects
Object of class "character" and length 1 describing the class each element in .Data must extend


Class "list", from data part. Class "vector", by class "list", distance 2.


signature(x = ".TypedAssociation", i = "numeric", j = "missing"): Subset the typed association, returning a typed association with elements i.
signature(x = ".TypedAssociation", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"): This method is present to stop access to subsetting methods for class list; it has no user-visibile functionality.
signature(object = ".TypedAssociation"): Compactly display the typed associate, e.g., for .extneds=Foo and length 5, display Foo(5).