BDgraph (version 2.62)

bdgraph.sim: Graph data simulation


Simulating multivariate distributions with different types of underlying graph structures, including "random", "cluster", "scale-free", "lattice", "hub", "star", "circle", "AR(1)", and "AR(2)". Based on the underling graph structure, it generates four different types of datasets, including multivariate Gaussian, non-Gaussian, discrete, or mixed data. This function can be used also for only simulating graphs by option n=0, as a default.


bdgraph.sim( p = 10, graph = "random", n = 0, type = "Gaussian", prob = 0.2, 
             size = NULL, mean = 0, class = NULL, cut = 4, b = 3,
             D = diag( p ), K = NULL, sigma = NULL, vis = FALSE )



The number of variables (nodes).


The graph structure with options "random", "cluster", "scale-free", "lattice", "hub", "star", "circle", "AR(1)", and "AR(2)". It also could be an adjacency matrix corresponding to a graph structure (an upper triangular matrix in which \(g_{ij}=1\) if there is a link between notes \(i\) and \(j\), otherwise \(g_{ij}=0\)).


The number of samples required. Note that for the case n = 0, only graph is generated.


Type of data with four options "Gaussian" (default), "non-Gaussian", "discrete", "mixed", and "binary". For option "Gaussian", data are generated from multivariate normal distribution. For option "non-Gaussian", data are transfered multivariate normal distribution to continuous multivariate non-Gaussian distribution. For option "discrete", data are transfered from multivariate normal distribution to discrete multivariat distribution. For option "mixed", data are transfered from multivariate normal distribution to mixture of 'count', 'ordinal', 'non-Gaussian', 'binary' and 'Gaussian', respectively. For option "binary", data are generated directly from the joint distribution, in this case \(p\) must be less than \(17\).


If graph="random", it is the probability that a pair of nodes has a link.


The number of links in the true graph (graph size).


A vector specifies the mean of the variables.


If graph="cluster", it is the number of classes.


If type="discrete", it is the number of categories for simulating discrete data.


The degree of freedom for G-Wishart distribution, \(W_G(b, D)\).


The positive definite \((p \times p)\) "scale" matrix for G-Wishart distribution, \(W_G(b, D)\). The default is an identity matrix.


If graph="fixed", it is a positive-definite symmetric matrix specifies as a true precision matrix.


If graph="fixed", it is a positive-definite symmetric matrix specifies as a true covariance matrix.


Visualize the true graph structure.


An object with S3 class "sim" is returned:


Generated data as an (\(n \times p\)) matrix.


The covariance matrix of the generated data.


The precision matrix of the generated data.


The adjacency matrix corresponding to the true graph structure.


Mohammadi, R. and Wit, E. C. (2019). BDgraph: An R Package for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, Journal of Statistical Software, 89(3):1-30

Mohammadi, A. and Wit, E. C. (2015). Bayesian Structure Learning in Sparse Gaussian Graphical Models, Bayesian Analysis, 10(1):109-138

Mohammadi, A. et al (2017). Bayesian modelling of Dupuytren disease by using Gaussian copula graphical models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(3):629-645

Dobra, A. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). Loglinear Model Selection and Human Mobility, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2):815-845

Letac, G., Massam, H. and Mohammadi, R. (2018). The Ratio of Normalizing Constants for Bayesian Graphical Gaussian Model Selection, arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.04416v2

Pensar, J. et al (2017) Marginal pseudo-likelihood learning of discrete Markov network structures, Bayesian Analysis, 12(4):1195-215

See Also

graph.sim, bdgraph, bdgraph.mpl


Run this code
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'random' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 10, n = 50, prob = 0.3, vis = TRUE )
print( data.sim )
# Generating multivariate normal data from a 'hub' graph
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 6, n = 3, graph = "hub", vis = FALSE )
round( data.sim $ data, 2 )
# Generating mixed data from a 'hub' graph 
data.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 8, n = 10, graph = "hub", type = "mixed" )
round( data.sim $ data, 2 )

# Generating only a 'scale-free' graph (with no data) 
graph.sim <- bdgraph.sim( p = 8, graph = "scale-free" )
plot( graph.sim )
graph.sim $ G
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace