ExPosition (version 2.8.23)

great.beer.tasting.2: A collection of beer tasting notes from untrained assessors.


A collection of beer tasting notes of 13 beers, across 15 descriptors, from 9 untrained assessors.





great.beer.tasting.2$data: Data matrix (cube). Tasting notes (ratings) of 13 different beers (rows) described by 15 different flavor profiles (columns) by 9 untrained assessors. All original values were on an interval scale of 0-5. Any decimal values are imputed from alternate data sources or additional assessors. great.beer.tasting.2$brewery.design: Design matrix. Source brewery of 13 different beers (rows) across 13 breweries (columns). great.beer.tasting.2$style.design: Design matrix. Style of 13 different beers (rows) across 8 styles (columns). Some complex styles were truncated.