HH (version 3.1-32)

defunct: Defunct Functions in Package 'HH'


The function names listed here are no longer part of the HH package. Their task has been assigned to different function names.


anova.mean(...) ## anovaMean vcov.sufficient(...) ## vcovSufficient aov.sufficient(...) ## aovSufficient print.glht.mmc.multicomp(...) ## print.mmc.multicomp coef.arima.HH(...) ## coefArimaHH glht.mmc(...) ## mmc odds.ratio(...) ## OddsRatio plot.odds.ratio(...) ## plotOddsRatio persp.plane(...) ## perspPlane persp.floor(...) ## perspFloor persp.back.wall.x(...) ## perspBack.wall.x persp.back.wall.y(...) ## perspBack.wall.y persp.setup(...) ## not used in R, S-Plus only plot.hov(...) ## hovPlot plot.hov.bf(...) ## hovPlot.bf plot.matchMMC(...) ## plotMatchMMC seqplot.forecast(...) ## seqplotForecast lm.case(...) ## case.lm


other arguments.


Some of these function names have been replaced by using them as methods. Some have had their spelling changed to remove the '.' character.