HH (version 3.1-32)

mmcPruneIsomeans: MMC plots in lattice---suppress isomeans grid lines for specified levels of the factor.


MMC plots in lattice---suppress isomeans grid lines for specified levels of the factor.


mmcPruneIsomeans(mmc, keep=NULL)


An "mmc.multicomp" object.
Index vector of rows of mmc$none$table that will be kept in the display.


A modified "mmc.multicomp" object.

See Also



Run this code
## needed
## Not run: 
# ## See file hh/scripts/hh2/tway.R for the complete example.
# ## A better example is needed for the .Rd documentation.
# ## possibly based on filmcoat temperature | pressure example.
# data(rhiz.clover)
# c(1,2,5,10,11,12)
# rhiz.clover$cs <- with(rhiz.clover, interaction(comb, strain))
# rhiz.clover.cs.aov <- aov(Npg ~ cs, data=rhiz.clover)
# rhiz.clover.cs.aov
# cs.mmc <- mmc(rhiz.clover.cs.aov, linfct=mcp(cs="Tukey"),
#               calpha=qtukey( .95, 6,  48)/sqrt(2))
# dlmat2 <- dimnames(cs.mmc$mca$lmat)[[2]]
# cl.index <- grep("clover\.[[:print:]]*clover\.", dlmat2, value=TRUE)
# cl.index
# clover.lmat <- cs.mmc$mca$lmat[, cl.index] ## suppress "clover+alfalfa" contrasts
# dimnames(clover.lmat)[[1]]
# dimnames(clover.lmat)[[1]] <- levels(rhiz.clover$cs)
# clover.lmat[1,] <- -colSums(clover.lmat[-1, ])
# clover.lmat
# csc.mmc <- mmc(rhiz.clover.cs.aov, linfct=mcp(cs="Tukey"),
#                focus.lmat=clover.lmat,
#                calpha=qtukey( .95, 6,  48)/sqrt(2))
# ## this example needs a window 11 inches high and 14 inches wide
# mmcplot(csc.mmc, type="lmat", style="both")
# ## suppress "clover+alfalfa" means
# csc.mmc.clover <- mmcPruneIsomeans(csc.mmc, keep = c(1,2,5,10,11,12))
# csc.mmc.clover
# ## this example needs a window 11 inches high and 14 inches wide
# mmcplot(csc.mmc.clover, type="lmat", style="both")
# ## End(Not run)

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