Hmisc (version 4.0-0)

getRs: Interact with github rscripts Project


The github rscripts project at contains R scripts that are primarily analysis templates for teaching with RStudio. This function allows the user to print an organized list of available scripts, to download a script and load it into an RStudio script editor window, to list scripts whose major category contains a given string (ignoring case), or to list all major and mino categories.


getRs(file=NULL, guser='harrelfe', grepo='rscripts', gdir='raw/master', dir=NULL, where='', browse=c('local', 'browser'), cats=FALSE, put=c('rstudio', 'source'))


a character string containing a script file name. Omit file to obtain a list of available scripts with major and minor categories.
GitHub user name, default is 'harrelfe'
Github repository name, default is 'rscripts'
Github directory under which to find retrievable files
directory under grepo in which to find files
base URL in Github for raw rendering of code text
When showing the rscripts contents directory, the default is to list in tabular form in the console. Specify browse='browser' to open the online contents in a web browser.
Leave at the default (FALSE) to list whole contents or download a script. Specify cats=TRUE to list major and minor categories available. Specify a character string to list all scripts whose major category contains the string (ignoring case).
Leave at the default ('rstudio') to load file into the RStudio script editor window. Use put='source' to source() the file. This is useful when the file just defines a function you want to use in the session.


See Also



Run this code
## Not run: 
# getRs()             # list available scripts
# scripts <- getRs()  # likewise, but store in an object that can easily
#                     # be viewed on demand in RStudio
# getRs('introda.r')  # download introda.r and put in script editor
# getRs(cats=TRUE)    # list available major and minor categories
# categories <- getRs(cats=TRUE)
# # likewise but store results in a list for later viewing
# getRs(cats='reg')   # list all scripts in a major category containing 'reg'
# getRs('importREDCap.r', put='source')   # source() to define a function
# # source() a new version of the Hmisc package's cut2 function:
# getRs('cut2.s', grepo='Hmisc', dir='R', put='source')
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab