Lock5Data (version 2.6)

HollywoodMovies2011: Hollywood Movies in 2011


Information for 136 movies released from Hollywood in 2011.



A dataset with 136 observations on the following 14 variables.

Movie Title of movie
LeadStudio Studio that released the movie
RottenTomatoes Rotten Tomatoes rating (reviewers)
AudienceScore Audience rating (via Rotten Tomatoes)
Story General theme - one of 21 themes
Genre Type of movie: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy,
Horror, Romance, or Thriller
TheatersOpenWeek Number of screens for opening weekend
BOAverageOpenWeek Average box office income per theater - opening weekend
DomesticGross Gross income for domestic viewers (in millions)
ForeignGross Gross income for foreign viewers (in millions)
WorldGross Gross income for all viewers (in millions)
Budget Productoin budge (in millions)
Profitability WorldGross/Budget
OpeningWeekend Opening weekend gross (in millions)


There were 136 movies that came out of Hollywood in 2011. The data were compiled late in 2011 so they reflect results as of December 2011.