Luminescence (version 0.8.6)

model_LuminescenceSignals: Model Luminescence Signals (wrapper)


Wrapper for the function RLumModel::model_LuminescenceSignals from the package RLumModel::RLumModel-package. For the further details and examples please see the manual of this package.


model_LuminescenceSignals(model, sequence, lab.dose_rate = 1,
  simulate_sample_history = FALSE, plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
  show_structure = FALSE, own_parameters = NULL,
  own_state_parameters = NULL, own_start_temperature = NULL, ...)



character (required): set model to be used. Available models are: "Bailey2001", "Bailey2002", "Bailey2004", "Pagonis2007", "Pagonis2008", "Friedrich2017", "Friedrich2018" and for own models "customized" (or "customised"). Note: When model = "customized" is set, the argument 'own_parameters' has to be set.


list (required): set sequence to model as list or as *.seq file from the Riso sequence editor. To simulate SAR measurements there is an extra option to set the sequence list (cf. details).


numeric (with default): laboratory dose rate in XXX Gy/s for calculating seconds into Gray in the *.seq file.


logical (with default): FALSE (with default): simulation begins at laboratory conditions, TRUE: simulations begins at crystallization (all levels 0) process


logical (with default): Enables or disables plot output


logical (with default): Verbose mode on/off


logical (with default): Shows the structure of the result. Recommended to show to analyse concentrations.


list (with default): This argument allows the user to submit own parameter sets. The list has to contain the following items:

  • N: Concentration of electron- and hole traps [cm^(-3)]

  • E: Electron/Hole trap depth [eV

  • s: Frequency factor [s^(-1)]

  • A: Conduction band to electron trap and valence band to hole trap transition probability [s^(-1) * cm^(3)]. CAUTION: Not every publication uses the same definition of parameter A and B! See vignette "RLumModel - Usage with own parameter sets" for further details

  • B: Conduction band to hole centre transition probability [s^(-1) * cm^(3)].

  • Th: Photo-eviction constant or photoionisation cross section, respectively

  • E_th: Thermal assistence energy [eV]

  • k_B: Boltzman constant 8.617e-05 [eV/K]

  • W: activation energy 0.64 [eV] (for UV)

  • K: 2.8e7 (dimensionless constant)

  • model: "customized"

  • R (optional): Ionisation rate (pair production rate) equivalent to 1 Gy/s [s^(-1) * cm^(-3)]

For further details see Bailey 2001, Wintle 1975, vignette "RLumModel - Using own parameter sets" and example 3.


numeric (with default): Some publications (e.g. Pagonis 2009) offer state parameters. With this argument the user can submit this state parameters. For further details see vignette ""RLumModel - Using own parameter sets" and example 3.


numeric (with default): Parameter to control the start temperature (in deg. C) of a simulation. This parameter takes effect only when 'model = "customized"' is choosen.


further arguments and graphical parameters passed to plot.default. See details for further information.

Function version

0.1.3 (2018-01-21 17:22:38)

How to cite

Friedrich, J., Kreutzer, S. (2018). model_LuminescenceSignals(): Model Luminescence Signals (wrapper). Function version 0.1.3. In: Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fuchs, M.C., Schmidt, C., Fischer, M., Friedrich, J. (2018). Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package version 0.8.6.