Matrix (version 0.99-3)

Cholesky-class: Cholesky and Bunch-Kaufman Decompositions


The "Cholesky" class is the class of Cholesky decompositions of positive-semidefinite, real matrices. The "BunchKaufman" class is the class of Bunch-Kaufman decompositions of symmetric, real matrices. The "pCholesky" and "pBunchKaufman" classes are their packed storage versions.


Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("Cholesky", ...) or new("BunchKaufman", ...) or by calls of the form chol(pm) where pm inherits from the "dpoMatrix" class or as a side-effect of other functions applied to "dpoMatrix" objects (see dpoMatrix-class).


Class "dtrMatrix", directly. Class "dgeMatrix", by class "dtrMatrix". Class "Matrix", by class "dtrMatrix".


No methods defined with class "Cholesky" in the signature.

See Also

dtrMatrix-class, chol, dpoMatrix-class.


Run this code
(sm <- as(as(Matrix(diag(5) + 1), "dsyMatrix"), "dspMatrix"))
signif(csm <- chol(sm), 4)

(pm <- crossprod(Matrix(rnorm(18), nrow = 6, ncol = 3)))
(ch <- chol(pm))
if (toupper(ch@uplo) == "U") # which is TRUE
stopifnot(all.equal(as(crossprod(ch), "matrix"),
                    as(pm, "matrix"), tol=1e-14))

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