PBSadmb (version 1.1.4)

atget: Get/Print Objects From or Put Objects Into Temporary Work Environment


These functions are wrappers to the PBSmodelling accessor functions that get/print objects from or put objects into a temporary work environment, in this case .PBSadmbEnv. Working objects include PBSadmb, which acts as a storage object for some of the functions, and .PBSadmb, which controls the options for the user's project.




Objects are retrieved from or sent to the temporary working environment to/from the place where the function(s) are called. Additionally, atcall invisibly returns the object without transferring, which is useful when the object is a function that the user may wish to call, for example, atcall(myfunc)(), or as arguments in other functions.



For atget through to atput, the only free argument is:
x -- name (with or without quotes) of an object to retrieve or store in the temporary environment; cannot be represented by a variable.
Fixed arguments: penv = parent.frame(), tenv = .PBSadmbEnv
See tget for additional information.

For alisp, there is only one fixed argument:
pos = .PBSadmbEnv
All other arguments are available -- see lisp


Rowan Haigh, Program Head -- Offshore Rockfish
Pacific Biological Station (PBS), Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO), Nanaimo BC
locus opus: Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS), Sidney BC
Last modified Rd: 2018-09-28


These accessor functions were developed as a response to the CRAN repository policy statement: “Packages should not modify the global environment (user's workspace).”


CRAN Repository Policy: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html

See Also

tget and lisp in PBSmodelling