The portfolio object is created with portfolio.spec. The portfolio
object is an S3 object of class 'portfolio' used to hold the initial asset weights,
constraints, objectives, and other information about the portfolio. The only
required argument to portfolio.spec is assets.
number of assets, or optionally a named vector of assets specifying seed weights. If seed weights are not specified, an equal weight portfolio will be assumed.
character vector to categorize assets by sector, industry, geography, market-cap, currency, etc. Default NULL
seed sequence of weights, see generatesequence Default NULL
TRUE/FALSE. The default is message=FALSE. Display messages if TRUE.
Ross Bennett, Brian G. Peterson
The portfolio object contains the following elements:
assets named vector of the seed weights
category_labels character vector to categorize the assets by sector, geography, etc.
weight_seq sequence of weights used by random_portfolios. See generatesequence
constraints a list of constraints added to the portfolio object with add.constraint
objectives a list of objectives added to the portfolio object with add.objective
call the call to portfolio.spec with all of the specified arguments