RSKC (version 2.4.2)

optd: Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits of Frank A, Asuncion A (2010).


The dataset describes n = 1797 digits from 0 to 9 (K = 10), handwritten by 13 subjects. Raw observations are 32x32 bitmaps, which are divided into nonoverlapping blocks of 4x4 and the number of on pixels are counted in each block. This generates p = 64 (= 8x8) variable, recording the normalized counts of pixels in each block and each element is an integer in the range 0 to 16. The row names of the matrix optd contains the true labels (between 0 and 9), and the column names of it contains the position of the block in original bitmap.


data(optd) showbitmap(index)


A vector containing integers between 1 and 1797. Given the observation indices, the showbitmap returns their original 32 by 32 bitmaps on R console.


The original dataset is freely available from USIMachine Learning Repository (Frank and Asuncion (2010)) website http://archive


Frank A, Asuncion A (2010). UCI Machine Learning Repository."


Run this code
## Not run: 
# data(optd)
# truedigit <- rownames(optd)
# (re <- RSKC(optd,ncl=10,alpha=0.1,L1=5.7,nstart=1000))
# Sensitivity(re$labels,truedigit)
# table(re$labels,truedigit)
# ## Check the bitmap of the trimmed observations 
# showbitmap(re$oW)
# ## Check the features which receive zero weights
# names(which(re$weights==0))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab