Rgb (version 1.5.1)



This function draws the background for the other track ploting functions.


draw.bg(start, end, ylab = "", ysub = as.character(NA), mar = c(0.2, 5, 0.2, 1),
    xaxt = "s", yaxt = "n", yaxs = "r", yaxp = as.numeric(NA), ylim = c(0, 1),
    cex.lab = 1, bty = "o", las = 0, xgrid = TRUE, new = FALSE, ...)


Single integer value, the left boundary of the window, in base pairs.
Single integer value, the right boundary of the window, in base pairs.
The name of the Y axis. See par.
Similar to ylab, but written on a closer line when yxat is "n". Can be NA to disable it.
A numerical vector of the form "c(bottom, left, top, right)" which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot. See par.
Whether to plot an X axis ("s") or not ("n"). See par.
Whether to plot an Y axis ("s") or not ("n"). If no Y axis is drawn, ysub may be used to plot a sub-title to the Y axis. See par.
Y axis style, "r" enlarges the Y limits by 4 percents on each side for a cleaner look, "i" will not. See par.
A numerical vector of the form "c(first, last, intervalCount)" which defines the Y axis ticks. Use NA to let R select pretty values itself. See par.
The Y axis limits as a numerical vector of the form "c(start, end)" of the plot. Note that start > end is allowed and leads to a "reversed axis". Use "NULL" to guess the axis range from the data. See plot.default.
The relative character size of x and y axis labels (default: 1). See par.
A character string which determined the type of box which is drawn about plots. If bty is one of "o" (the default), "l", "7", "c", "u", or "]" the resulting box resembles the corresponding upper case letter. A value of "n" suppresses the box. See par.
The direction of both X and Y axis labels: 0 for labels parallel to the axes, 1 for horizontal labels, 2 for labels perpendicular to the axes and 3 for vertical labels. See par.
Single logical value, whether to draw a grid on X axis or not.
Single logical value, whether to plot on top of previous track (TRUE) or in a new track (FALSE, default).
Not used, only ignores other arguments.

See Also

draw.boxes, draw.steps, draw.hist, draw.points, draw.pileup, draw.seq