RxODE (version 1.1.5)

rxMd5: Return the md5 of an RxODE object or file


This md5 is based on the model and possibly the extra c code supplied for the model. In addition the md5 is based on syntax options, compiled RxODE library md5, and the RxODE version/repository.


rxMd5(model, ...)



This is the ODE model specification. It can be:

  • a string containing the set of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and other expressions defining the changes in the dynamic system.

  • a file name where the ODE system equation is contained

An ODE expression enclosed in \{\}

(see also the filename argument). For details, see the sections “Details” and RxODE Syntax below.


ignored arguments


If this is a RxODE object, return a named list:

  • file_md5 is the model's file's md5

  • parsed_md5 is the parsed model's file's md5.

Otherwise return the md5 based on the arguments provided