SciencesPo (version 1.3.8)

hamilton: The Hamilton method of apportionment


Compute the Alexander Hamilton's apportionment method (1971).


hamilton(parties, votes, seats)

## S3 method for class 'ANY': hamilton(parties, votes, seats)


A vector containig parties labels or candidates accordingly to the votes vector order.
A vector containing the number of formal votes received by the parties/candidates.
An integer for the number of seats to be returned.


The Hamilton/Vinton Method sets the divisor as the proportion of the total population per house seat. After each state's population is divided by the divisor, the whole number of the quotient is kept and the fraction dropped. This results in surplus house seats. Then, the first surplus seat is assigned to the state with the largest fraction after the original division. The next is assigned to the state with the second-largest fraction and so on.


Run this code
votes <- sample(1:10000, 5)
parties <- sample(LETTERS, 5)
hamilton(parties, votes, 4)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab