SciencesPo (version 1.3.8)

turnout: Turnout Data


Data on voter turnout in the 50 states and D.C. for the 1992 Presidential election and 1990 Congressional elections. Per capita income, populations in poverty and populations with no high school degree are also given.

  • v1 state name (alphabetic, 20 characters)
  • v2 region of country: 1 Northeast 2 Midwest 3 South 4 West
  • v3 division within region: 1 Northeast-New England 2 Northeast-Middle Atlantic 3 Midwest-East North Central 4 Midwest-West North Central 5 South-South Atlantic 6 South-East South Central 7 South-West South Central 8 West-Mountain 9 West-Pacific.
  • v4 "Elazar's state political culture assignments: 1 = moralistic 2 = individualistic 3 = traditionalistic
  • v5 percent of population below poverty level, 1992.
  • v6 per capita personal income, 1993.
  • v7 percent casting votes for presidential electors, 1992.
  • v8 percent casting votes for U.S. Representatives, 1990.
  • v9 population without a high school degree, of those 25 years or older, 1990.
  • v10 population 25 years or older, 1990.
  • v11 South =1; all others =0.







A data frame with 51 observations and 11 variables.


U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1994.