adespatial (version 0.3-8)

constr.hclust: Space- And Time-Constrained Clustering


Function constr.hclust carries out space-constrained or time-constrained agglomerative clustering from a multivariate dissimilarity matrix.


constr.hclust(d, method = "ward.D2", links, coords, beta = -0.25,
  chron = FALSE)



A dist-class dissimilarity (distance) matrix


The agglomeration method to be used (default: "ward.D2"; see details)


A list of edges (or links) connecting the points. May be omitted in some cases; see details and examples


Coordinates of the observations (data rows) in d (for data plotting purposes; may be omitted: see details and examples)


The beta parameter for beta-flexible clustering (default: beta = -0.25)


Logical (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether a chronological (i.e. time-constrained) clustering should be calculated (default: chron = FALSE)


A constr.hclust-class object.


The agglomeration method to be used should be (an unambiguous abbreviation of) one of "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average" (UPGMA), "mcquitty" (WPGMA), "centroid" (UPGMC), "median" (WPGMC), or "flexible". Method "ward.D2" (default) implements the Ward (1963) clustering criterion, method "ward.D" does not (Murtagh and Legendre, 2014).

Agglomerative clustering can be carried out with a constraint of spatial or temporal contiguity. This means that only the objects that are linked in links are considered to be candidates for clustering: the next pair of objects to cluster will be the pair that has the lowest dissimilarity value among the pairs that are linked.

The same rule applies during the subsequent clustering steps, which involve groups of objects: the list of links is updated after each agglomeration step. All objects that are neighbours of one of the components that have fused are now neighbours of the newly formed cluster.

The edges (links) are specified using argument links, which is a two-column matrix with each row representing an edge and the columns representing the two ends of the edges. The edges are interpreted as being non directional; there is no need to specify an edge going from point a to point b and one going from point b to point a. While doing so is generally inconsequential for the analysis, it carries some penality in terms of computation time. It is a good practice to place the nodes in increasing order of numbers from the top to the bottom and from the left to the right of the list but this is not mandatory. A word of caution: in cases where clusters with identical minimum distances occur, the order of the edges in the list may have an influence on the result. Alternative results would be statistically equivalent.

When argument link is omitted, regular (unconstrained) clustering is performed and a hclust-class object is returned unless argument chron = TRUE. When argument chron = TRUE, chronological clustring is performed, taking the order of observations as their positions in the sequence. Argument links is not used when chron = TRUE. Argument chron allows one to perform a chronological clustring in the case where observations are ordered chronologically. Here, the term "chronologically" should not be taken restrictively: the method remains applicable to other sequential data sets such as spatial series made of observations along a transect.

Memory storage and time to compute constrained clustering for N objects. --- The Lance and Williams algorithm for agglomerative clustering uses dissimilarity matrices. The amount of memory needed to store the distances among N observations as 8-bit double precision floating point variables (IEEE 754) is 8*N*(N-1)/2 bytes. For example, a dissimilarity matrix among 22500 observations would require 2 024 910 000 bytes (1.89 GiB) of storage whereas one among 100 000 observations would take up 39 999 600 000 bytes (37.25 GiB). The implementation in this function needs to cache a copy of the dissimilarity matrix as its elements are modified following each merging of the closest clusters or singletons, thereby doubling the amounts of required memory shown above. Memory needed to store the other informations associated with the clustering is much smaller. Users should make sure to have the necessary memory space (and system stability) before attempting to analyze large data sets. What is considered a large amount of memory has increased over time as computer hardware evolved with time. We let users apply contemporary common sense as to what sample sizes represent manageable clustering problems. Computation time grows with N at roughly the same speed as memory storage requirement to store the dissimilarity matrices increases. See the Benchmarking example below.

With large data sets, a manageable output describing the classification of the sites is obtained with function cutree(x, k) where k is the number of groups.


Legendre, P. and L. Legendre. 2012. Numerical ecology, 3rd English edition. Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam.

Murtagh, F. and P. Legendre. 2014. Ward<U+2019>s hierarchical agglomerative clustering method: which algorithms implement Ward<U+2019>s criterion? Journal of Classification 31: 274-295. doi: 10.1007/s00357-014-9161-z

Ward, J. H. 1963. Hierarchical grouping to optimize an objective function. Journal of the American Statistical Association 58: 236-244.

See Also

plot.constr.hclust, hclust, cutree, and ScotchWhiskey


Run this code
### First example: Artificial map data from Legendre & Legendre
###                (2012, Fig. 13.26): n = 16
dat <- c(41,42,25,38,50,30,41,43,43,41,30,50,38,25,42,41)
coord.dat <- matrix(c(1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8,
### Obtaining a list of neighbours:
listW <- nb2listw(tri2nb(coord.dat), style="B")
links.mat.dat <- listw2mat(listW)
neighbors <- listw2sn(listW)[,1:2]
### Calculating the (Euclidean) distance between points:
D.dat <- dist(dat)
### Display the points:
plot(coord.dat, type='n',asp=1)
title("Delaunay triangulation")
text(coord.dat, labels=as.character(as.matrix(dat)), pos=3)
for(i in 1:nrow(neighbors))
### Unconstrained clustring by hclust:
grpWD2_hclust <- hclust(D.dat, method="ward.D2")
plot(grpWD2_hclust, hang=-1)
### Clustering without a contiguity constraint;
### the result is represented as a dendrogram:
grpWD2_constr_hclust <- constr.hclust(D.dat, method="ward.D2")
plot(grpWD2_constr_hclust, hang=-1)
### Clustering with a contiguity constraint described by a list of
### links:
grpWD2cst_constr_hclust <-
        D.dat, method="ward.D2",
        neighbors, coord.dat)
### To visualize using hclust's plotting method:
### stats:::plot.hclust(grpWD2cst_constr_hclust, hang=-1)
### Plot the results on a map with k=3 clusters:
plot(grpWD2cst_constr_hclust, k=3, links=TRUE, las=1, xlab="Eastings",
     ylab="Northings", pch=21L, cex=3, lwd=3)
### Generic functions from hclust can be used, for instance to obtain
### a list of members of each cluster:
cutree(grpWD2cst_constr_hclust, k=3)
### Now with k=5 clusters:
plot(grpWD2cst_constr_hclust, k=5, links=TRUE, las=1, xlab="Eastings",
     ylab="Northings", pch=21L, cex=3, lwd=3)
cutree(grpWD2cst_constr_hclust, k=5)
## End of the artificial map example

### Second example: Fish community composition along the Doubs River,
### France. The sequence is analyzed as a case of chronological
### clustering, substituting space for time.
data(doubs, package="ade4")
Doubs.D <- dist.ldc(doubs$fish, method="hellinger")
grpWD2cst_fish <- constr.hclust(Doubs.D, method="ward.D2", chron=TRUE,
plot(grpWD2cst_fish, k=5, las=1, xlab="Eastings (km)",
     ylab="Northings (km)", pch=21L, cex=3, lwd=3)
### Repeat the plot with other values of k (number of groups)
## End of the Doubs River fish assemblages example

### Third example: Scotch Whiskey distilleries clustered using tasting scores
### (nose, body, palate, finish, and the four distances combined) constrained
### with respect to the distillery locations in Scotland.
## Documentation file about the Scotch Whiskey data: ?ScotchWhiskey
### Cluster analyses for the nose, body, palate, and finish D
### matrices:
grpWD2cst_ScotchWhiskey <-
        ScotchWhiskey$dist,    ## A list of distance matrices
        constr.hclust,         ## The function called by function lapply
        links=ScotchWhiskey$neighbors@data,         ## The list of links
### The four D matrices (nose, body, palate, finish), represented as
### vectors in the ScotchWiskey data file, are combined as follows to
### produce a single distance matrix integrating all four types of
### tastes:
Dmat <- ScotchWhiskey$dist
ScotchWhiskey[["norm"]] <-
    sqrt(Dmat$nose^2 + Dmat$body^2 + Dmat$palate^2 + Dmat$finish^2)
### This example shows how to apply const.clust to a single D matrix when
### the data file contains several matrices.
grpWD2cst_ScotchWhiskey[["norm"]] <-
### A fonction to plot the Whiskey clustering results
plotWhiskey <- function(wh, k) {
   plot(grpWD2cst_ScotchWhiskey[[wh]], k=k, links=TRUE, las=1,
        xlab="Eastings (km)", ylab="Northings (km)", cex=0.1, lwd=3,
        main=sprintf("Feature: %s",wh))
   legend(x=375, y=700, lty=1L, lwd=3, col=rainbow(1.2*k)[1L:k],
          legend=sprintf("Group %d",1:k), cex=1.25)
   SpeyZoom <- list(xlim=c(314.7,342.2), ylim=c(834.3,860.0))
   rect(xleft=SpeyZoom$xlim[1L], ybottom=SpeyZoom$ylim[1L],col="#E6E6E680",
        xright=SpeyZoom$xlim[2L], ytop=SpeyZoom$ylim[2L], lwd=2, lty=1L)
   par(fig=c(0.01,0.50,0.46,0.99), new=TRUE)
   plot(grpWD2cst_ScotchWhiskey[[wh]], xlim=SpeyZoom$xlim,
        ylim=SpeyZoom$ylim, k=k, links=TRUE, las=1, xlab="", ylab="",
        cex=0.1, lwd=3, axes=FALSE)
   rect(xleft=SpeyZoom$xlim[1L], ybottom=SpeyZoom$ylim[1L],
        xright=SpeyZoom$xlim[2L], ytop=SpeyZoom$ylim[2L], lwd=2, lty=1L)
### Plot the clustering results on the map of Scotland for 5 groups.
### The inset map shows the Speyside distilleries in detail:
plotWhiskey("nose", 5L)
plotWhiskey("body", 5L)
plotWhiskey("palate", 5L)
plotWhiskey("finish", 5L)
plotWhiskey("norm", 5L)
## End of the Scotch Whiskey tasting data example

# }
### Benchmarking example
### Benchmarking can be used to estimate computation time for different
### values of N. 
### Computing time grows with N at roughly the same speed as the memory
### storage requirements to store the dissimilarity matrices.
benchmark <- function(nobj) {
    # Argument -
    # nobj : Number of objects in simulation runs
    res <- matrix(NA,length(nobj),3) %>%
    colnames(res) <- c("N.objects","Storage (MiB)","Time (sec)")
    res[,1L] <- nobj
    ## resources <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(nobj)) { 
        N <- nobj[i]
        coords.mem <- cbind(x=runif(N,-1,1),y=runif(N,-1,1))
        dat.mem <- runif(N,0,1)
        if(i>1L) rm(D.mem) ; gc()
        D.mem <- try(dat.mem %>% dist)  #; gc()
        neighbors.mem <-
            (coords.mem %>%
                 tri2nb %>%
                 nb2listw(style="B") %>%
        {start.time = Sys.time()
            res.mem <- try(constr.hclust(D.mem, method="ward.D2",
            end.time = Sys.time()}
        res[i,2L] <- (2*object_size(D.mem) + object_size(neighbors.mem) +
                          object_size(res.mem))/1048576  # n. bytes per MiB
        res[i,3L] <- end.time-start.time
    res[["N.objects"]] <- as.integer(res[["N.objects"]])
res <- benchmark(nobj=c(1000,2000,5000,10000,20000,50000,100000))
### Plotting the results:
ok <- res %>% apply(1L, function(x) !x %>% %>% any)
barplot(height = res[ok,"Time (sec)"], names.arg= res[ok,"N.objects"],
        ylab="Time (seconds)\n",xlab="",las=1L,log="y")
barplot(height = res[ok,"Storage (MiB)"], names.arg= res[ok,"N.objects"],
        ylab="Total storage (MB)\n",xlab="Number of observations",
### Examine the output file
# }
## End of the benchmarking example
### End of examples

# }

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