archivist (version 2.1.1)

aformat: Show Artifact's List of Foramts


aformat extracts artifact's formats. Having formats one may decide which should he read. Currently only rda format is supported for artifact and txt/png for miniatures.


aformat(md5hash = NULL)


One of the following (see aread):

A character vector which elements are consisting of at least three components separated with '/': Remote user name, Remote repository and name of the artifact (MD5 hash) or it's abbreviation.

MD5 hashes of artifacts in current local default directory or its abbreviations.


A vector of characters.

See Also

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%, addHooksToPrint, addTagsRepo, ahistory, alink, aoptions, archivist-package, aread, asearch, asession, atrace, cache, copyLocalRepo, createLocalRepo, createMDGallery, deleteLocalRepo, getRemoteHook, getTagsLocal, loadFromLocalRepo, md5hash, restoreLibs, rmFromLocalRepo, saveToLocalRepo, searchInLocalRepo, setLocalRepo, shinySearchInLocalRepo, showLocalRepo, splitTagsLocal, summaryLocalRepo, zipLocalRepo


Run this code
## Not run: 
# setLocalRepo(system.file("graphGallery", package = "archivist"))
# aformat("2a6e492cb6982f230e48cf46023e2e4f")
# # old
# aformat("pbiecek/graphGallery/2a6e492cb6982f230e48cf46023e2e4f")
# # png
# aformat("pbiecek/graphGallery/f05f0ed0662fe01850ec1b928830ef32")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab