archivist (version 2.1.1)

deleteLocalRepo: Delete the Existing Repository from the Given Directory


deleteLocalRepo deletes the existing Repository from the given directory. As a result all artifacts from gallery folder are removed and database backpack.db is deleted.


deleteLocalRepo(repoDir, deleteRoot = FALSE, unset = FALSE)


A character that specifies the directory for the Repository which is to be deleted.
A logical value that specifies if the repository root directory should be deleted for Local Repository.
A logical. If deleted repoDir was set to be default Local Repository and unset is TRUE, then repoDir is unset as a default Local Repository (aoptions('repoDir/repo', NULL, T)).
All arguments are being passed to deleteLocalRepo.

See Also

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%, addHooksToPrint, addTagsRepo, aformat, ahistory, alink, aoptions, archivist-package, aread, asearch, asession, atrace, cache, copyLocalRepo, createLocalRepo, createMDGallery, getRemoteHook, getTagsLocal, loadFromLocalRepo, md5hash, restoreLibs, rmFromLocalRepo, saveToLocalRepo, searchInLocalRepo, setLocalRepo, shinySearchInLocalRepo, showLocalRepo, splitTagsLocal, summaryLocalRepo, zipLocalRepo

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%, addHooksToPrint, addTagsRepo, aformat, ahistory, alink, aoptions, archivist-package, aread, asearch, asession, atrace, cache, copyLocalRepo, createLocalRepo, createMDGallery, getRemoteHook, getTagsLocal, loadFromLocalRepo, md5hash, restoreLibs, rmFromLocalRepo, saveToLocalRepo, searchInLocalRepo, setLocalRepo, shinySearchInLocalRepo, showLocalRepo, splitTagsLocal, summaryLocalRepo, zipLocalRepo


Run this code

exampleRepoDir <- tempfile()
createLocalRepo( repoDir = exampleRepoDir, default =  TRUE )
deleteLocalRepo( repoDir = exampleRepoDir, unset = TRUE, deleteRoot = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab