bartMachine (version 1.2.3)

bartMachineArr: Create an array of BART models for the same data.


If BART creates models that are variable, running many on the same dataset and averaging is a good strategy. This function is a convenience method for this procedure.


bartMachineArr(bart_machine, R = 10)


An object of class ``bartMachine''.
The number of replicated BART models in the array.


A bartMachineArr object which is just a list of the R bartMachine models.


Run this code
#Regression example
## Not run: 
# #generate Friedman data
# set.seed(11)
# n  = 200 
# p = 5
# X = data.frame(matrix(runif(n * p), ncol = p))
# y = 10 * sin(pi* X[ ,1] * X[,2]) +20 * (X[,3] -.5)^2 + 10 * X[ ,4] + 5 * X[,5] + rnorm(n)
# ##build BART regression model
# bart_machine = bartMachine(X, y)
# bart_machine_arr = bartMachineArr(bart_machine)
# #Classification example
# data(iris)
# iris2 = iris[51 : 150, ] #do not include the third type of flower for this example
# iris2$Species = factor(iris2$Species)  
# bart_machine = bartMachine(iris2[ ,1:4], iris2$Species)
# bart_machine_arr = bartMachineArr(bart_machine)
# ## End(Not run)

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