coda (version 0.10-1)

mcmc.convert: Conversions of MCMC objects


These are methods for the generic functions as.matrix(), as.array() and as.mcmc(). as.matrix() strips the MCMC attributes from an mcmc object and returns a matrix. If iters = TRUE then a column is added with the iteration number. For mcmc.list objects, the rows of multiple chains are concatenated and, if chains = TRUE a column is added with the chain number. mcmc.list objects can be coerced to 3-dimensional arrays with the as.array() function. An mcmc.list object with a single chain can be coerced to an mcmc object with as.mcmc(). If the argument has multiple chains, this causes an error.


as.matrix.mcmc(x, iters = FALSE)
as.matrix.mcmc.list(x, iters = FALSE, chains = FALSE)
as.array.mcmc.list(x, drop, ...)


An mcmc or mcmc.list object
logical flag: add column for iteration number?
logical flag: add column for chain number? (if mcmc.list)
logical flag: if TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension
further arguments for future methods

See Also

as.matrix, as.array, as.mcmc,