crunch (version 1.27.7)

applyAgainst: apply a function against a dimension


Similar to other apply functions, this takes an array and applies the function against the dimensions (specified in the MARGIN argument). These dimensions must be a single number (unlike many apply functions). See the examples below, where we use the function add_one_hundred to add 100 on to the end of each MARGIN.


applyAgainst(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)



an array


the dimension to apply the function against


the function to be applied


optional arguments to `FUN``


an array with the function applied


FUN can be any function that takes a vector and returns a vector, but one common use case is a function that adds new entries to the vector, effectively expanding the array in the dimension given.


Run this code
array <- array(c(1:24), dim = c(4, 3, 2))
# , , 1
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]    1    5    9
# [2,]    2    6   10
# [3,]    3    7   11
# [4,]    4    8   12
# , , 2
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]   13   17   21
# [2,]   14   18   22
# [3,]   15   19   23
# [4,]   16   20   24

add_one_hundred <- function(x) c(x, 100)

crunch:::applyAgainst(array, 1, add_one_hundred)
# , , 1
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]    1    5    9
# [2,]    2    6   10
# [3,]    3    7   11
# [4,]    4    8   12
# [5,]  100  100  100
# , , 2
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]   13   17   21
# [2,]   14   18   22
# [3,]   15   19   23
# [4,]   16   20   24
# [5,]  100  100  100

crunch:::applyAgainst(array, 2, add_one_hundred)
# , , 1
#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,]    1    5    9  100
# [2,]    2    6   10  100
# [3,]    3    7   11  100
# [4,]    4    8   12  100
# , , 2
#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,]   13   17   21  100
# [2,]   14   18   22  100
# [3,]   15   19   23  100
# [4,]   16   20   24  100

crunch:::applyAgainst(array, 3, add_one_hundred)
# , , 1
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]    1    5    9
# [2,]    2    6   10
# [3,]    3    7   11
# [4,]    4    8   12
# , , 2
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]   13   17   21
# [2,]   14   18   22
# [3,]   15   19   23
# [4,]   16   20   24
# , , 3
#      [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]  100  100  100
# [2,]  100  100  100
# [3,]  100  100  100
# [4,]  100  100  100
# }

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