data.table (version 1.0)

[< ~~function to do ... ~~


~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~


[<, i, j, value)


~~Describe x here~~
~~Describe i here~~
~~Describe j here~~
~~Describe value here~~


  • ~Describe the value returned If it is a LIST, use
  • comp1Description of 'comp1'
  • comp2Description of 'comp2'
  • ...




~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~


~put references to the literature/web site here ~

See Also

~~objects to See Also as ~~fun~~, ~~~


Run this code
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.

## The function is currently defined as
function (x, i, j, value) 
    # TO DO: copied from [<,  remove out all uses of row.names and data.frame
    # TO DO: test this method of assignment as I've tended to use $ on the left hand side.
    nA <- nargs()
    if (nA == 4) {
        has.i <- !missing(i)
        has.j <- !missing(j)
    else if (nA == 3) {
        if (is.atomic(value)) 
            names(value) <- NULL
        if (missing(i) && missing(j)) {
            i <- j <- NULL
            has.i <- has.j <- FALSE
            if (is.null(value)) 
        else {
            if (is.logical(i) && is.matrix(i) && all(dim(i) == dim(x))) {
                nreplace <- sum(i, na.rm = TRUE)
                if (!nreplace) 
                N <- length(value)
                if (N > 0 && N < nreplace && (nreplace                  value <- rep(value, length.out = nreplace)
                if (length(value) != nreplace) 
                  stop("rhs is the wrong length for indexing by a logical matrix")
                n <- 0
                nv <- nrow(x)
                for (v in seq(len = dim(i)[2])) {
                  thisvar <- i[, v, drop = TRUE]
                  nv <- sum(thisvar, na.rm = TRUE)
                  if (nv) {
                    if (is.matrix(x[[v]])) 
                      x[[v]][thisvar, ] <- value[n + (1:nv)]
                    else x[[v]][thisvar] <- value[n + (1:nv)]
                  n <- n + nv
            if (is.matrix(i)) 
                stop("only logical matrix subscripts are allowed in replacement")
            j <- i
            i <- NULL
            has.i <- FALSE
            has.j <- TRUE
    else {
        stop("need 0, 1, or 2 subscripts")
    if (has.j && length(j) == 0) 
    cl <- oldClass(x)
    class(x) <- NULL
    rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
    new.cols <- NULL
    nvars <- length(x)
    nrows <- length(rows)
    if (has.i) {
        if (any( 
            stop("missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data frames")
        if (char.i <- is.character(i)) {
            ii <- match(i, rows)
            nextra <- sum(new.rows <-
            if (nextra > 0) {
                ii[new.rows] <- seq(from = nrows + 1, length = nextra)
                new.rows <- i[new.rows]
            i <- ii
        if (all(i >= 0) && (nn <- max(i)) > nrows) {
            if (!char.i) {
                nrr <- as.character((nrows + 1):nn)
                if (inherits(value, "data.frame") && (dim(value)[1]) >= 
                  length(nrr)) {
                  new.rows <- attr(value, "row.names")[1:length(nrr)]
                  repl <- duplicated(new.rows) | match(new.rows, 
                    rows, 0)
                  if (any(repl)) 
                    new.rows[repl] <- nrr[repl]
                else new.rows <- nrr
            x <-, rows, new.rows)
            rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
            nrows <- length(rows)
        iseq <- seq(along = rows)[i]
        if (any( 
            stop("non-existent rows not allowed")
    else iseq <- NULL
    if (has.j) {
        if (any( 
            stop("missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data frames")
        if (is.character(j)) {
            jj <- match(j, names(x))
            nnew <- sum(
            if (nnew > 0) {
                n <-
                jj[n] <- nvars + 1:nnew
                new.cols <- j[n]
            jseq <- jj
        else if (is.logical(j) || min(j) < 0) 
            jseq <- seq(along = x)[j]
        else {
            jseq <- j
            if (max(jseq) > nvars) {
                new.cols <- paste("V", seq(from = nvars + 1, 
                  to = max(jseq)), sep = "")
                if (length(new.cols) != sum(jseq > nvars)) 
                  stop("new columns would leave holes after existing columns")
                if (is.list(value) && !is.null(vnm <- names(value))) {
                  p <- length(jseq)
                  if (length(vnm) < p) 
                    vnm <- rep(vnm, length.out = p)
                  new.cols <- vnm[jseq > nvars]
    else jseq <- seq(along = x)
    if (any(duplicated(jseq))) 
        stop("duplicate subscripts for columns")
    n <- length(iseq)
    if (n == 0) 
        n <- nrows
    p <- length(jseq)
    m <- length(value)
    if (!is.list(value)) {
        if (p == 1) {
            N <- NROW(value)
            if (N > n) 
                stop(gettextf("replacement has %d rows, data has %d",                   N, n), domain = NA)
            if (N < n && N > 0) 
                if (n%%N == 0 && length(dim(value)) <= 1)                   value <- rep(value, length.out = n)
                else stop(gettextf("replacement has                  N, n), domain = NA)
            names(value) <- NULL
            value <- list(value)
        else {
            if (m < n * p && (n * p)                stop(gettextf("replacement has %d items, need %d",                   m, n * p), domain = NA)
            value <- matrix(value, n, p)
            value <- split(value, col(value))
        dimv <- c(n, p)
    else {
        value <- unclass(value)
        lens <- sapply(value, NROW)
        for (k in seq(along = lens)) {
            N <- lens[k]
            if (n != N && length(dim(value[[k]])) == 2) 
                stop(gettextf("replacement element                  k, N, n), domain = NA)
            if (N > 0 && N < n && n                stop(gettextf("replacement element %d has %d rows, need %d",                   k, N, n), domain = NA)
            if (N > 0 && N < n) 
                value[[k]] <- rep(value[[k]], length.out = n)
            if (N > n) {
                warning(gettextf("replacement element                  k, N, n), domain = NA)
                value[[k]] <- value[[k]][1:n]
        dimv <- c(n, length(value))
    nrowv <- dimv[1]
    if (nrowv < n && nrowv > 0) {
        if (n            value <- value[rep(1:nrowv, length.out = n), , drop = FALSE]
        else stop(gettextf("%d rows in value to replace %d rows",             nrowv, n), domain = NA)
    else if (nrowv > n) 
        warning(gettextf("replacement data has            nrowv, n), domain = NA)
    ncolv <- dimv[2]
    jvseq <- seq(len = p)
    if (ncolv < p) 
        jvseq <- rep(1:ncolv, length.out = p)
    else if (ncolv > p) 
        warning(gettextf("provided %d variables to replace %d variables",             ncolv, p), domain = NA)
    if (length(new.cols)) {
        nm <- names(x)
        rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
        x <- c(x, vector("list", length(new.cols)))
        names(x) <- c(nm, new.cols)
        attr(x, "row.names") <- rows
    if (has.i) 
        for (jjj in seq(len = p)) {
            jj <- jseq[jjj]
            vjj <- value[[jvseq[[jjj]]]]
            if (jj <= nvars) {
                if (length(dim(x[jj])) != 2) 
                  x[[jj]][iseq] <- vjj
                else x[[jj]][iseq, ] <- vjj
            else {
                length(vjj) <- nrows
                x[[jj]] <- vjj
    else if (p > 0) 
        for (jjj in p:1) {
            jj <- jseq[jjj]
            x[[jj]] <- value[[jvseq[[jjj]]]]
            if (is.atomic(x[[jj]])) 
                names(x[[jj]]) <- NULL
    if (length(new.cols) > 0) {
        new.cols <- names(x)
        if (any(duplicated(new.cols))) 
            names(x) <- make.unique(new.cols)
    class(x) <- cl
keyword{ ~kwd1 }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDSkeyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

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