datacamp (version 3.3.0)

add_all_links: Automatic add function links to RDocumentation to course (beta)


The add_all_links function will use the course yaml file to add all links to quoted functions. It will automatically search for the relevant RDocumentation link.


add_all_links(backup_ext = "_back_no_links", autoloads = c("base",
  "methods", "datasets", "utils", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats"),
  course_yml = "course.yml")



The extension to the name of the backup files. Default is "_back_no_links".


The libraries that are autoloaded into R. Default is c("base", "methods", "datasets", "utils", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats").


The name of the course yaml file. Default is "course.yml".


The function will first look within relevant libraries (the ones manually loaded in the chapter file). Afterwards it will look in autoloaded libraries and finally it will look in all installed libraries for the relevant help file link.

IMPORTANT: This function will create backup files, as it overwrites the original chapter file. The automatic link generation can be undone using the undo_all_links function. But only use this function right after generating the links, as it uses the generated backup files. Changes done to the chapter file between using add_all_links and undo_all_links will be undone.