drake (version 6.2.1)

eager_load_target: Load a target right away (internal function)


This function is only exported to make active bindings work safely. It is not actually a user-side function.


eager_load_target(target, cache, namespace, envir, verbose)



If character_only is TRUE, then target is a character string naming the object to read. Otherwise, target is an unquoted symbol with the name of the object.


drake cache. See new_cache(). If supplied, path and search are ignored.


optional character string, name of the storr namespace to read from.


environment to load objects into. Defaults to the calling environment (current workspace).


logical or numeric, control printing to the console. Use pkgconfig to set the default value of verbose for your R session: for example, pkgconfig::set_config("drake::verbose" = 2).

  • 0 or FALSE: print nothing.

  • 1 or TRUE: print only targets to build.

  • 2: also print checks and cache info.

  • 3: also print any potentially missing items.

  • 4: also print imports and writes to the cache.