flowViz (version 1.36.2)

levelplot,formula,flowSet-method: Methods implementing Lattice displays for flow data


Various methods implementing multipanel visualizations for flow data using infrastructure provided in the lattice package. The original generics for these methods are defined in lattice, and these S4 methods (mostly) dispatch on a formula and the data argument which must be of class flowSet or flowFrame. The formula has to be fairly basic: conditioning can be done using phenodata variables and channel names (the colnames slot) can be used as panel variables. See examples below for sample usage.


## S3 method for class 'formula,flowSet':
levelplot(x, data, xlab, ylab, as.table = TRUE,
  contour = TRUE, labels = FALSE, n = 50, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula,flowSet': qqmath(x, data, xlab, ylab, f.value = function(n) ppoints(ceiling(sqrt(n))), distribution = qnorm, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flowFrame,missing': parallel(x, data, reorder.by = function(x) var(x, na.rm = TRUE), time = "Time", exclude.time = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula,flowSet': parallel(x, data, time = "Time", exclude.time = TRUE, filter = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)


a formula describing the structure of the plot and the variables to be used in the display.
a flowSet object that serves as a source of data.
Labels for data axes, with suitable defaults taken from the formula
These arguments are passed unchanged to the corresponding methods in lattice, and are listed here only because they provide different defaults. See documentation for the original methods for details.
the number of bins on each axis to be used when evaluating the density
number of points used in Q-Q plot, and the reference distribution used. See qqmath for details.
a function, which is applied to each column. The columns are ordered by the results. Reordering can be suppressed by setting this to NULL.
A character string giving the name of the column recording time.
logical, specifying whether to exclude the time variable from a scatter plot matrix or parallel coordinates plot. It is rarely meaningful not to do so.
flowCore filter
more arguments, usually passed on to the underlying lattice methods.


Not all standard lattice arguments will have the intended effect, but many should. For a fuller description of possible arguments and their effects, consult documentation on lattice (Trellis docs would also work for the fundamentals).


Run this code

qqmath( ~ `FSC-H` | factor(Patient), GvHD,
       grid = TRUE, type = "l",
       f.value = ppoints(100))

## contourplot of bivariate density:

YlOrBr <- c("#FFFFD4", "#FED98E", "#FE9929", "#D95F0E", "#993404")
colori <- colorRampPalette(YlOrBr)
levelplot(asinh(`SSC-H`) ~ asinh(`FSC-H`) | Visit + Patient, GvHD, n = 20,
          col.regions = colori(50), main = "Contour Plot")

## parallel coordinate plots


## try with PDF device
parallel(GvHD[["s7a01"]], alpha = 0.01)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab