fsbrain (version 0.0.2)

test.numerical.meandiff.paired: Perform tests for group differences on paired data (repeated measurements) for two conditions or time points.


This function is intended to give you a quick overview of your demographics data, it is in no way intended to replace a detailed analysis of your data. You should always visualize and analyze your data interactively instead of relying on automated methods like this. Outliers and are very common in real-world data while perfectly normal data is very rare, multiple testing may affect your results. Look at your data!


test.numerical.meandiff.paired(colname, condition1_name, condition2_name,
  condition1_data_column, condition2_data_column)



string, the name of the data (used to label the data in the output)


string, the name of the first condition (used to label the data in the output)


string, the name of the first condition (used to label the data in the output)


the data for condition1 as a numerical vector. Typically a column from your demographics dataframe.


the data for condition2 as a numerical vector. Typically a column from your demographics dataframe.


vector of strings, the lines of the report. You can print to STDOUT or write it to a file.