gWidgets (version 0.0-54)

gnotebook: constructor for notebook widget


A notebook widget organizes different pages using tabs, allowing only one page to be shown at once. Clicking on the tab raises the associated page.


gnotebook(tab.pos = 3, closebuttons = FALSE, 
dontCloseThese = NULL, container = NULL, ..., 
toolkit = guiToolkit())



Where to place tabs (1 bottom, 2 left side, 3 top, 4 right side


Is there a close button in the tab?


If closebuttons=TRUE this will make it impossible to remove these tabs. Specified by tab number


Optional parent container to attach notebook widget to

passed to add method of parent container


Which GUI toolkit to use


In what follows, it is useful to think of a notebook as a vector with named entries, each entry being a widget, the name being the tab label.

Notebooks have the following methods:

New pages are added with the add method, which most likely is called by the widget constructor. The extra argument label is used to specify the tab label. This may be a string, or in gWidgetsRGtk2 a glabel instance. The extra argument index can be used to specify which page to add to. By default, a new page is created at the end of the notebook. In gWidgetsRGtk2, the extra argument override.closebutton can be used to add or not add a close button in the tab label.

The svalue method returns the current page number. The svalue<- method is used to set the page number.

The dispose method will remove the currently selected page unless it is overridden by the value of dontCloseThese.

The delete(obj, widget,...) method will delete the widget on a given page. For some toolkits, the unparented widget can be reparented with the add method or [<-.

The length method returns the number of pages.

The names method returns the tab labels.

The names<- method may be used to replace the tab labels. Something like names(obj)[1]<-"new label" should work.

The "[" method refers to the widgets in the notebook. It returns a single widget or list of widgets.

For some toolkits, the "[<-" method may be used to replace a widget on a notebook page.

The addHandlerChanged method passes the component pageno when the page index returned by svalue within the handler refers to the tab before it was changed. The following could be used to get the right one in a portable way: if(is.null(h$pageno)) svalue(h$obj) else h$pageno

See Also

See gwindow for top-level containers, ggroup, gframe and gexpandgroup for box containers


Run this code
  w <- gwindow("gnotebook example")
  nb <- gnotebook(container=w)
  ## "add" called by constructor
  glabel("Widget 1", container=nb, label="page 1")  
  ## label argument passed by constructor to add method
  glabel("Widget 2", container=nb, label="page 2")   

  names(nb)[1] <- "Page 1"

  svalue(nb) <- 2
  dispose(nb) ## dispose current tab
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab