git2r (version 0.10.1)

merge,git_repository,character-method: Merge a branch into HEAD


Merge a branch into HEAD


## S3 method for class 'git_repository,character':
merge(x, y, ...,
  commit_on_success = TRUE, merger = default_signature(x))

## S3 method for class 'git_branch,missing': merge(x, y, ..., commit_on_success = TRUE, merger = default_signature(x@repo))


A git_branch or git_repository object.
If x is a git_repository, the name of the branch to merge into HEAD. Not used if x is a git_branch.
Additional arguments affecting the merge
If there are no conflicts written to the index, the merge commit will be committed. Default is TRUE.
Who made the merge.


  • A git_merge_result object.


Run this code
## Create a temporary repository
path <- tempfile(pattern="git2r-")
repo <- init(path)
config(repo,"Alice", = "")

## Create a file, add and commit
writeLines("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do",
           con = file.path(path, "test.txt"))
add(repo, "test.txt")
commit_1 <- commit(repo, "Commit message 1")

## Create first branch, checkout, add file and commit
checkout(repo, "branch1", create = TRUE)
writeLines("Branch 1", file.path(path, "branch-1.txt"))
add(repo, "branch-1.txt")
commit(repo, "Commit message branch 1")

## Create second branch, checkout, add file and commit
b_2 <- branch_create(commit_1, "branch2")
writeLines("Branch 2", file.path(path, "branch-2.txt"))
add(repo, "branch-2.txt")
commit(repo, "Commit message branch 2")

## Make a change to 'test.txt'
writeLines(c("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do",
             "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."),
           con = file.path(path, "test.txt"))
add(repo, "test.txt")
commit(repo, "Second commit message branch 2")

## Checkout master
checkout(repo, "master", force = TRUE)

## Merge branch 1
merge(repo, "branch1")

## Merge branch 2
merge(repo, "branch2")

## Create third branch, checkout, change file and commit
checkout(repo, "branch3", create=TRUE)
writeLines(c("Lorem ipsum dolor amet sit, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do",
             "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."),
           con = file.path(path, "test.txt"))
add(repo, "test.txt")
commit(repo, "Commit message branch 3")

## Checkout master and create a change that creates a merge conflict
checkout(repo, "master", force=TRUE)
writeLines(c("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipisicing consectetur elit, sed do",
             "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."),
           con = file.path(path, "test.txt"))
add(repo, "test.txt")
commit(repo, "Some commit message branch 1")

## Merge branch 3
merge(repo, "branch3")

## Check status; Expect to have one unstaged unmerged conflict.

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace