googleComputeEngineR (version 0.3.0)

gce_shiny_addapp: Add Shiny app to a Shiny template instance


Add a local shiny app to a running Shiny VM installed via gce_vm_template via docker_build and gce_push_registry / gce_pull_registry.


gce_shiny_addapp(instance, app_image, dockerfolder = NULL)



The instance running Shiny


The name of the Docker image to create or use existing from Google Container Registry. Must be numbers, dashes or lowercase letters only.


The folder location containing the Dockerfile and app dependencies


The instance


Example Dockerfile's are found in system.file("dockerfiles",package = "googleComputeEngineR")

The Dockerfile is in the same folder as your shiny app, which consists of a ui.R and server.R in a shiny subfolder. This is copied into the Dockerfile in the last line. Change the name of the subfolder to have that name appear in the final URL of the Shinyapp.

This is then run using the R commands below:


To deploy a Shiny app, you first need to construct a Dockerfile which load the R packages and dependencies, as well as copying over the Shiny app in the same folder.

This function will take the Dockerfile, build it into a Docker image and upload it to Google Container Registry for use later.

If already created, then the function will download the app_image from Google Container Registry and start it on the instance provided.

Any existing Shiny Docker containers are stopped and removed, so if you want multiple apps put them in the same Dockerfile.

See Also

The vignette entry called Shiny App has examples and a walk through.


Run this code
vm <- gce_vm("shiny-test",  
             template = "shiny", 
             predefined_type = "n1-standard-1")
vm <- vm_ssh_setup(vm)

app_dir <- system.file("dockerfiles","shiny-googleAuthRdemo",
                       package = "googleComputeEngineR") 
gce_shiny_addapp(vm, app_image = "gceshinydemo", dockerfolder = app_dir)

# a new VM, it loads the Shiny docker image from before
gce_shiny_addapp(vm2, app_image = "gceshinydemo")

# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace