htmlTable (version 1.13.3)

tidyHtmlTable: Generate an htmlTable using a ggplot2-like interface


Builds an htmlTable by mapping columns from the input data, x, to elements of an output htmlTable (e.g. rnames, header, etc.)


  value = "value",
  header = "header",
  rnames = "rnames",
  rgroup = NULL,
  hidden_rgroup = NULL,
  cgroup1 = NULL,
  cgroup2 = NULL,
  tspanner = NULL,
  hidden_tspanner = NULL,



Tidy data used to build the htmlTable


The column containing values filling individual cells of the output htmlTable


The column in x specifying column headings


The column in x specifying row names


The column in x specifying row groups


rgroup values that will be hidden.


The column in x specifying the inner most column groups


The column in x specifying the outer most column groups


The column in x specifying tspanner groups


tspanner values that will be hidden.


Additional arguments that will be passed to the inner htmlTable function


Returns html code that will build a pretty table

Column-mapping parameters

The tidyHtmlTable function is designed to work like ggplot2 in that columns from x are mapped to specific parameters from the htmlTable function. At minimum, x must contain the names of columns mapping to rnames, header, and rnames. header and rnames retain the same meaning as in the htmlTable function. value contains the individual values that will be used to fill each cell within the output htmlTable.

A full list of parameters from htmlTable which may be mapped to columns within x include:

  • value

  • header

  • rnames

  • rgroup

  • cgroup1

  • cgroup2

  • tspanner

Note that unlike in htmlTable which contains cgroup, and which may specify a variable number of column groups, tidyhtmlTable contains the parameters cgroup1 and cgroup2. These parameters correspond to the inward most and outward most column groups respectively.

Also note that the coordinates of each value within x must be unambiguously mapped to a position within the output htmlTable. Therefore, the each row-wise combination the variables specified above contained in x must be unique.

Hidden values

htmlTable Allows for some values within rgroup, cgroup, etc. to be specified as "". The following parameters allow for specific values to be treated as if they were a string of length zero in the htmlTable function.

  • hidden_rgroup

  • hidden_tspanner

Additional dependencies

In order to run this function you also must have dplyr and tidyr packages installed. These have been removed due to the additional 20 Mb that these dependencies added (issue #47). The particular functions required are:

  • dplyr: mutate_at, select, pull, slice, filter, arrange_at, mutate_if, is.grouped_df, left_join

  • tidyr: spread

See Also



Run this code
mtcars %>%
    rownames_to_column %>%
    select(rowname, cyl, gear, hp, mpg, qsec) %>%
    gather(per_metric, value, hp, mpg, qsec) %>%
    group_by(cyl, gear, per_metric) %>%
    summarise(Mean = round(mean(value), 1),
              SD = round(sd(value), 1),
              Min = round(min(value), 1),
              Max = round(max(value), 1)) %>%
     gather(summary_stat, value, Mean, SD, Min, Max) %>%
     ungroup %>%
     mutate(gear = paste(gear, "Gears"),
            cyl = paste(cyl, "Cylinders")) %>%
     tidyHtmlTable(header = "gear",
                  cgroup1 = "cyl",
                  cell_value = "value",
                  rnames = "summary_stat",
                  rgroup = "per_metric")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab