lasso2 (version 1.2-11)

l1ce: Regression Fitting With L1-constraint on the Parameters


Returns an object of class "l1ce" or "licelist" that represents fit(s) of linear models while imposing L1 constraint(s) on the parameters.


l1ce(formula, data = sys.parent(), weights, subset, na.action,
     sweep.out = ~ 1, x = FALSE, y = FALSE,
     contrasts = NULL, standardize = TRUE,
     trace = FALSE, guess.constrained.coefficients = double(p),
     bound = 0.5, absolute.t = FALSE)



an object of class l1ce (if bound was a single value) or l1celist (if bound was a vector of values) is returned. See l1ce.object and l1celist.object for details.


Osborne, M.R., Presnell, B. and Turlach, B.A. (2000) On the LASSO and its Dual, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 9(2), 319--337.

Tibshirani, R. (1996) Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 58(1), 267--288.


Run this code
l1c.I <- l1ce(Yield ~ ., Iowa, bound = 10, absolute.t=TRUE)

## The same, printing information in each step:
l1ce(Yield ~ ., Iowa, bound = 10, trace = TRUE, absolute.t=TRUE)

l1c.P <- l1ce(lpsa ~ ., Prostate, bound=(1:30)/30)
length(l1c.P)# 30 l1ce models
l1c.P # -- MM: too large; should do this in summary(.)!
<testonly>str(l1c.P, max.lev = 1)</testonly>

plot(resid(l1c.I) ~ fitted(l1c.I))
abline(h = 0, lty = 3, lwd = .2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab