logicFS (version 1.42.0)

plot.logicFS: Variable Importance Plot


Generates a dotchart of the importance of the most important interactions for an object of class logicFS or logicBagg.


"plot"(x, topX = 15, cex = 0.9, pch = 16, col = 1, show.prop = FALSE, force.topX = FALSE, coded = TRUE, add.thres = TRUE, thres = NULL, include0 = TRUE, add.v0 = TRUE, v0.col = "grey50", main = NULL, ...)
"plot"(x, topX = 15, cex = 0.9, pch = 16, col = 1, show.prop = FALSE, force.topX = FALSE, coded = TRUE, include0 = TRUE, add.v0 = TRUE, v0.col = "grey50", main = NULL, ...)


an object of either class logicFS or logicBagg.
integer specifying how many interactions should be shown. If topX is larger than the number of interactions contained in x all the interactions are shown. For further information, see force.topX.
a numeric value specifying the relative size of the text and symbols.
specifies the used symbol. See the help of par for details.
the color of the text and the symbols. See the help of par for how colors can be specified.
if TRUE the proportions of models that contain the interactions of interest are shown. If FALSE (default) the importances of the interactions are shown.
if TRUE exactly topX interactions are shown. If FALSE (default) all interactions up to the topXth most important one and all interactions having the same importance as the topXth most important one are shown.
should the coded variable names be displayed? Might be useful if the actual variable names are pretty long. The coded variable name of the j-th variable is Xj.
should a vertical line marking the threshold for a prime implicant to be called important be drawn in the plot? If TRUE, this vertical line will be drawn at NULL.
non-negative numeric value specifying the threshold for a prime implicant to be called important. If NULL and add.thres = TRUE, the suggested threshold from x will be used.
should the x-axis include zero regardless whether the importances of the shown interactions are much higher than 0?
should a vertical line be drawn at $x = 0$? Ignored if include0 = FALSE and all importances are larger than zero.
the color of the vertical line at $x = 0$. See the help page of par for how colors can be specified.
character string naming the title of the plot. If NULL, the name of the importance measure is used.

See Also

logicFS, logic.bagging