methods (version 3.3)

MethodsList: MethodsList Objects


These functions create and manipulate MethodsList objects, the objects formerly used in Rto store methods for dispatch. Use of these objects is deprecated since R3.2.0, as it will rarely be a good idea. Where methods dispatch is to be studied, see selectMethod. For computations that iterate over methods or over method signatures, see findMethods, which returns a linearized methods list to hold method definitions, usually more convenient for iteration than the recursive MethodsList objects.


listFromMlist(mlist, prefix = list(), sigs. = TRUE, methods. = TRUE)

linearizeMlist(mlist, inherited = TRUE)


loadMethod(method, fname, envir)

##--------- These are all deprecated, since R 3.2.0 ----------

MethodsList(.ArgName, ...) makeMethodsList(object, level=1) SignatureMethod(names, signature, definition) insertMethod(mlist, signature, args, def, cacheOnly) inheritedSubMethodLists(object, thisClass, mlist, ev)

showMlist(mlist, includeDefs = TRUE, inherited = TRUE, classes, useArgNames, printTo = stdout() ) ## S3 method for class 'MethodsList': print(x, ...)

mergeMethods(m1, m2, genericLabel)



Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)