mlr3 (version 0.1.0-9000)

as_prediction_data: Prediction Object Helpers

as_prediction_data() is called on the slave to check and convert the return value of the predict() function of a Learner.

new_prediction() is used to construct a Prediction object from the data returned by as_prediction_data().


Prediction Object Helpers

as_prediction_data() is called on the slave to check and convert the return value of the predict() function of a Learner.

new_prediction() is used to construct a Prediction object from the data returned by as_prediction_data().


as_prediction_data(task, ...)

new_prediction(task, data)



:: Task Task as passed to $predict() of a Learner.


:: any Arguments depending on the task type and predict type. E.g., for classification, you may pass response and prob.


:: named list() Data as returned by as_prediction, used to construct a Prediction object in new_prediction().