oce (version 1.2-0)

eclipticalToEquatorial: Convert ecliptical to equatorial coordinate


Convert from ecliptical to equatorial coordinates, using equations 8.3 and 8.4 of reference 1, or, equivalently, equations 12.3 and 12.4 of reference 2.


eclipticalToEquatorial(lambda, beta, epsilon)



longitude, in degrees, or a data frame containing lambda, beta, and epsilon, in which case the next to arguments are ignored.


geocentric latitude, in degrees


obliquity of the ecliptic, in degrees


A data frame containing columns rightAscension and declination both in degrees.


The code is based on reference 1; see moonAngle() for comments on the differences in formulae found in reference 2. Indeed, reference 2 is only cited here in case readers want to check the ideas of the formulae; DK has found that reference 2 is available to him via his university library inter-library loan system, whereas he owns a copy of reference 1.


  1. Meeus, Jean, 1982. Astronomical formulae for Calculators. Willmann-Bell. Richmond VA, USA. 201 pages.

  2. Meeus, Jean, 1991. Astronomical algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond VA, USA. 429 pages.

See Also

Other things related to astronomy: equatorialToLocalHorizontal(), julianCenturyAnomaly(), julianDay(), moonAngle(), siderealTime(), sunAngle(), sunDeclinationRightAscension()