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cluster.cor: Find correlations of composite variables from a larger matrix


Given a n x c cluster definition matrix of -1s, 0s, and 1s (the keys) , and a n x n correlation matrix, find the correlations of the composite clusters. The keys matrix can be entered by hand, copied from the clipboard (read.clipboard), or taken as output from the factor2cluster function. Similar functionality to score.items which also gives item by cluster correlations.


cluster.cor(keys, r.mat, correct = TRUE,digits=2,SMC=TRUE)


A matrix of cluster keys
A correlation matrix
TRUE shows both raw and corrected for attenuation correlations
round off answer to digits
Should squared multiple correlations be used as communality estimates for the correlation matrix?


  • corthe (raw) correlation matrix of the clusters
  • sdstandard deviation of the cluster scores
  • correctedraw correlations below the diagonal, alphas on diagonal, disattenuated above diagonal
  • alphaThe (standardized) alpha reliability of each scale.
  • G6Guttman's Lambda 6 reliability estimate is based upon the smcs for each item in a scale. G6 uses the smc based upon the entire item domain.
  • av.rThe average inter item correlation within a scale
  • sizeHow many items are in each cluster?


This is one of the functions used in the SAPA procedures to form synthetic correlation matrices. Given any correlation matrix of items, it is easy to find the correlation matrix of scales made up of those items. This can also be done from the original data matrix or from the correlation matrix using score.items which is probably preferred.

A typical use in the SAPA project is to form item composites by clustering or factoring (see factor.pa, ICLUST, principal), extract the clusters from these results (factor2cluster), and then form the composite correlation matrix using cluster.cor. The variables in this reduced matrix may then be used in multiple correlatin procedures using mat.regress. The original correlation is pre and post multiplied by the (transpose) of the keys matrix. If some correlations are missing from the original matrix this will lead to missing values (NA) for scale intercorrelations based upon those lower level correlations. Because the alpha estimate of reliability is based upon the correlations of the items rather than upon the covariances, this estimate of alpha is sometimes called ``standardized alpha". If the raw items are available, it is useful to compare standardized alpha with the raw alpha found using score.items. They will differ substantially only if the items differ a great deal in their variances.

See Also

factor2cluster, mat.regress, alpha.scale, score.items


Run this code
keys <- matrix(c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
colnames(keys) <- c("first","second")
r.mat <- cor(attitude)
#       first second
#first    1.0    0.6
#second   0.6    1.0
# first second 
#  2.57   3.01 
#       first second
#first   0.82   0.77
#second  0.60   0.74
# first second 
#     3      4

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab