psychotools (version 0.5-1)

GermanParties2009: Choice among German Political Parties


Preferences of 192 respondents choosing among five German political parties and abstention from voting.





A data frame containing 192 observations on 6 variables.


Paired comparison of class paircomp. All 15 pairwise choices among five German parties and abstention from voting.


Ordered paired comparison of class paircomp. Same as preference, but within-pair order is recognized.


Factor coding gender.


Integer. Age of the respondents in years.


Ordered factor. Level of education: 1 no degree, 2 Hauptschule (Secondary General School), 3 Realschule (Intermediate Secondary School), 4 Gymnasium (High School), 5 Studium (University)


Factor. Do you feel affected by the economic crisis?


Factor. Interviewer id.


A survey was conducted at the Department of Psychology, Universit<e4>t T<U+22A6E9E5>n, in June 2009, three months before the German election. The sample was stratified by gender and age (younger versus older than 30 years) with 48 participants in each group.

The parties to be compared were Die Linke (socialists), Die Gr<fc>nen (ecologists), SPD (social democrats), CDU/CSU (conservatives), and FDP (liberals). In addition, there was the option of abstaining from voting (coded as none).

Participants were presented with 15 pairs of options in random order. On each trial, their task was to choose the party they would rather vote for at an election for the German parliament. A given participant compared each pair in one order only, hence the NA's in ordered.pref.

In order to minimize response biases, the pairs of options were read to the participants one at a time. Participants made their choices by crossing either “First Option” or “Second Option” on an anonymous response sheet.

The interviewers were Psychology Master's students who collected the data for course credits. Since they mainly interviewed people they knew, the results are not representative of the political opinions in Germany. As far as the winner of the survey (Die Gr<U+2E96EA60>is concerned, however, the results agree with the outcome of the election for the T<U+22A6E9E5>n voters.

The results of the election on September 27, 2009 (number of so-called Zweitstimmen in percent) were:

Germany T<U+22A6E9E5>n
Die Linke 11.9 8.5
Die Gr<U+2E96E81C>tab 10.7 27.9 SPD
23.0 21.1 CDU/CSU
33.8 23.0 FDP
14.6 13.9 Others
6.0 5.7

The voter turnout was 70.8 percent in Germany and 80.5 percent in T<U+22A6E9E5>n.

See Also



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data("GermanParties2009", package = "psychotools")
# }

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